Monday, April 27, 2009

Farmin in MN

First I am apologizing for the month that I took off from the blogging world, My life just got to be a little busy, my dad and brother and I are busy trying to get da crops in da ground before awl da neighbors do ya NO! If you have ever heard the terms Ya Tink Or No, you would of understood the Minnesotan lingo in the line before, it is kinda funny to talk to all of the farmers in this area because My family and I kinda make fun of dare accents, you have all heard dem i.e.... well da dod damn frost is till in da ground, dot my dod damn tractor stuck up to da axels, but all be damned if da neighbor will pull me out, he's got one of dem damn john DEER'S, aint gettin puwwled out by one of dose damn tings. Any ways back to my story, It is getting really hard to concentrate at work because Thursday my brother( Big Wade) and I and his boss (can't call a goose) Todd and myself are heading to Big Stone City, SD to go do some archery Turkey hunting. Hopefully I am able to bring back some pictures and videos to share with everybody.

So long and enjoy the weather!!

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